Sonic the Hedgehog Cinematic Universe Wiki

"These are my people!"
Sonic the Hedgehog[src]

Humans (Homo sapiens) are the dominant intelligent inhabitants of Earth.


Information in Timeline.

Technology and Weapons[]

In the early 21st Century, humans had invented AI and implemented it into robots, such as scientist and engineer Ivo Robotnik did with his "Badniks," having previously done such things in his early childhood, meaning humanity had developed the intelligence to create heavily advanced technological equipment and utilities prior to the 2000s.

As weapons, humans currently equip firearms, usually in defense of threats, such as the United States Military[1] and G.U.N. agents.[2]

Characteristic Traits[]

Humans are largely different from the intergalactic species they are unaware of. They lack the possession of ring portals, which a majority of civilizations use.

The furthest humans had gone from their domestic planet Earth was to the Mushroom Planet, where a human was banished by another species. Such species adapt the names humans had given to animals in Earth's animal kingdom, such as Hedgehogs, Foxes, Echidnas and Owls.[1][2]

Notable Humans[]

A list of all humans in the Sonic the Hedgehog Cinematic Universe can be found here.


External Links[]
